Thursday, 13 June 2013

Handing over the baton (Winner of Young Community Shapers 2013)

This year I had the wonderful privilege of bringing my wife with me to this big prestigious event: Youth Community Shaper of the Year: 2013 - Gala event. And I asked her to say how she experienced the night

"  What a wonderful event, where people who make a difference in their community with what little resources they have, are recognized and treated like celebrities.  Also, the organizers and sponsors of YCS 2013 are so professional, humble and dedicated to the African dream and Ubuntu.  What an inspiration it was to meet not only the finalists, but also everyone involved in YCS. I came back with a renewed motivation of making a difference with what I have and where I am. "

My Beautiful wife Ria Maluleke

Themba at the Monte Casino ballroom  

Themba with the finalists of 2013

Themba with the two runner ups.

In the 13 years that this competition has been running, it was the first time that a woman won this competition since it started, well done  Lea!!