Monday, 23 April 2018

Leadership (RCL) camp 2018

Every year THF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT has the privilege of taking all the leaders (RCL) of the Olievenhoutborch high schools on a Leadership Development camp. Every year we are attempting to raise the bar in terms of our program, topics, speakers and activities. This year was no different! The Schools who were involved at the camp was : Steve Tshwete Secondary School, Seshegong Secondary School and Olievenhoudborcsh Secondary School.

Please allow us to take you on a journey of the camp, and rejoice with us about the great work God has done at the Leadership Camp this year!

Friday 13 April 14:00
The kids arriving at the camp site (Goodland Estate)
Camp orientation:  Conduct rules for the weekend 
Nelson Modiba (Camp-Master Leader) introducing himself to the group 
The group leaders introducing themselves to the teams for which they are responsible
Induction packs
Prayer formed a big part of our weekend
Friday afternoon's lunch
Each team had to compile and perform a war-cry
In action .....
Themba Maluleke teaching on leadership attributes

Group discussion on leadership
Discussing leadership
Teachers (TLO) and the learners discussing their constitution 

Saturday, 14 April

Saturday morning breakfast.

Nelson with our kitchen queen ;-)
Tomorrow's leaders
Themba just introduced the key note speakers for the camp, Peter Berthold and Dan Ellappa.
Dan Ellappa is the founder of Penduka Training & Coaching (

Everyone had to pick a picture(some had words and others didin''t) which represented how they felt about themselves

Discussion on why each participant took a specific picture.
Group activity: Stacking 8 nails on top of each other without touching the wod

More challenging activities

Introducing our next guest speaker JK (Pastor Johann Lehoko from Doxa Deo Raslouw). He was talking about the leadership call.

Ladies getting ready for sports and team building activities: its purpose was to learn how to overcome obstacles, protect what's important, work together as a team

There is always that guy...

Ferdie Van Der Merwe a director form GRO2 CONSULTING (PTY) LTD was teaching on Leadership in work place, and on what quality's CEO look for when they want to promote some one...

Sunday 15th April

Enjoying a well deserved supper!
And this is how we close once again a very successful weekend!

A massive thank you to all the sponsors of this camp. Without your contributions, this camp will not be possible. Thank you also to all the facilitators, teachers, team leaders, kitchen staff, guest speakers and our prayer team. You made the camp a success and life changing experience. Thank you for helping our youth dream again, because we truly do believe the poorest person in this world is not the one without money but the one living life without a dream.

And finally, to God, the giver of dreams and talents, the thanks and the glory.