I had the opportunity to host a camp for the teenagers of Danville in Pretoria. It was a very humbling experience for me, realising again how much pain and suffering there are in this world, and it does not differentiate in colour.
The theme of the camp was "Chosen", where we emphasized how God chose them despite their circumstances. The camp provided an opportunity for the teenagers to get healed. What a privilege to be used by God at the camp. We pray that the seed that was planted in their hearts will grow to bear much fruit.
We camped at Goodland Estate, just outside Cullinan
Some people want to do it the right way, she bought her own tent :-) |
Themba just enjoying the camp |
The kids in the hall |
The band blessing us with lovely music! |
The food is sharp sharp |
Did some outside activities that made the teens think! |
Leon doing some mentoring!! |
Group Activities |
We had the best chefs you can think off!! |
Willem was one of my best friends for the weekend! |
Everyone had T-shirt like this with the message on the back |
''CHOZEN'' I think it a very cool logo |
George Mothobasti was our guest speaker for the camp and he shared an amazing testimony, he
was sentence to death row in 1989 for spades of armed robberies, his testimony touched everyone's hearts.
We serve a God of Grace |
A group photo |