Thursday, 19 September 2013

Americans visit

What a blessing to have 8 USA Missionaries joining THF Youth development for 5 weeks!  Rachel, Shane, Mary Kate, Anna, Rachel K, Emily, Lindsey and Chelsey: you were such an inspiration to the children and you made a huge difference in the lives of the mentors working here at school!  It was such a privilege to get to know Christian sisters and a brother from U.S.A.
Group of some of the mentors and the Americans

Here are some of the photo's of the children taken while the Americans were here with us:

You can't visit Africa and go home without playing soccer:

Lindsey showing them a few skills from the U.S.

Group activities with the Americans - they also showed us a few new games to play:

The mentors performed a Bible drama for the children and the Americans:

We did lots of Kid's Games and were able to teach the Americans a few games:

Taking the Americans on a township tour.  They even had some local "township burgers".  We call it sgambane.

Shane and Mary Kate also had an opportunity to present a teaching at the High School.  They taught the teenagers how to study which I hope they will remember in the future ;-)

One of the mentors sharing a Bible Story with the kids:

Mary Kate sharing love

Lunch time:

Lindsey enjoying the praise and worship session we had with the kids:

One of our mentors was turned 20.  We threw him a big party for him with our American friends.

We also had a DJ, Happy :-)

Cake eating competition - and the birthday boy lost!

If you see these beautiful flowers blooming you know its spring time.  In our culture we have a tradition to throw water at each other on Spring Day.  It was new to the Americans, but they enjoyed it - and ran fast!

One of the mentors (Happy)  teaching the kids the value: Love

Playing games with a message.  This one was about patience.

Goodbye is always so sad and hard after spending 5 weeks with them:

Shane giving his last hugs, and the man is in tears.

Anna couldn't hold it in any longer.

Lindsey saying goodbye.

It was hard for this girl to say goodbye.

Innocent is very sad :-(

Our last group photo together with the Americans
Crazy group photo

Mary Kate - we hope to see you again!

Goodbye and God bless!  Thank you for blessing us!